Mate, it’s time to switch up your morning cup.

roo.bru™ is specifically formulated for sustained energy without the bad coffee side effects.

Here’s our ingredients and the run down of benefits in each sip:

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Rooibos is a powerhouse tea from South Africa packed with beneficial antioxidants - without the unhealthy oxalic acid commonly found in other teas. It is known to support a healthy heart, prevent an upset stomach, aid in anti-inflammatory response, and help skin appearance.

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Cacao is a jack-of-all-trades from the Amazon basin that supports the heart, brain, and body. Not only is cacao a great source of magnesium, but it also balances mood, boosts energy levels, supports cognitive function, and neutralizes harmful free-radicals. And it tastes delicious!

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Guarana is a caffeinated bean that hails from the Brazilian jungle. Those in the know like to refer to it as “coffee’s athletic cousin”. As a natural source of slow-release caffeine that promotes sustained energy levels, focus, and boosted metabolism; we can’t say we disagree.

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Ashwagandha is an ancient, Ayurvedic herb known for its calming effects. This miracle worker excels in helping the brain adapt to stress and anxiety, supporting sleep and improving mood. See ya never bad vibes!

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Maca Root grows wild in the Peruvian Andes. The stimulator of the group - it is an energy, memory and mood booster. It also supports strength, stamina, and a healthy sex drive. Talk about ~versatility~.

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Reishi is nicknamed the “mushroom of immortality” for good reason. A century old staple for health in Asia, studies on reishi have shown that it boosts the immune system, fights cancer and tumors, eases allergies and asthma, and even supports a healthy liver and heart.


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Turmeric, thanks to its active ingredient curcumin, is one of the most powerful anti-inflammatory supplements in existence. The curcumin is activated by hot water during the brew process. It provides relief to any pain or inflammation in the body, helps combat anxiety, strengthens ligaments, and improves cognitive function. Sheesh!

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Cinnamon is a delicious classic. We use the ceylon variety, which is healthier than the standard cassia. Aside from its great flavor, cinnamon is loaded with antioxidents, protects dental health, has anti-bacterial and anti-fungal properties, fights infections and viruses, and boosts brain function. Pretty good for such a tasty spice!

We’ll let professor ‘Bru explain further:

“Let food be thy medicine; thy medicine shall be thy food.“

- Hippocrates, ancient Greek physician and all-around radical dude