Our Story

“Everyone dreams, but not equally. The dreamers of the day are dangerous, for they may act on their dreams with open eyes to make them possible.” - T.E. Lawrence, Seven Pillars of Wisdom.

From early on, I realized that good things exist in all places. I was born in the Middle East, my father Australian, my mother American. Together, we spanned the entire world. Growing up, travel has always been the centerfold of my life - experiencing different cultures, people, foods, and landscapes captivated me.

Years later, I found myself deep in the routine American lifestyle. Drinking coffee was imperative for me to function, whether during work or play. However, with coffee came heaps of negative side effects. I couldn’t sleep, had persistent anxiety, and my energy levels crashed every day around two in the afternoon. Something had to change.

I discovered rooibos (pronounced roy-boss), a powerful tea from South Africa. Rooibos became a staple coffee alternative for me, but I was craving more. I wanted a drink that made me feel good… REALLY good.

Two of my best friends, Luke & Chris, jumped on board with the idea. After much trial and error, we discovered a blend of ingredients that gave us calm, sustainable energy that lasted all day - without any of the negative side effects that are common with coffee.

Thus, roo.bru™ was born. Our organic ingredients are sourced from around the world and have been specifically chosen in order to help you live the good life every single day. We hope that each cup of roo.bru™ allows you to stay present, be motivated, and do amazing things. So, grab a pouch and go do some rad stuff!

These days, we are based in San Diego, CA and Jacksonville Beach, FL. We have a small, talented and motivated team focused on bringing you the best quality energy alternative that money can buy. We’ve also recently partnered with Save a Brain, a non-profit dedicated to education, awareness and prevention of Traumatic Brain Injuries (TBI) and concussions. Our long term mission is to continue to help people feel the best they can, every single day, and brain health is a major factor in that goal!

- Sam, Luke, & Chris