You are what you drink.

And you’re about to feel a whole lot better.

The bloody best energy alternative in the market. Eight superfoods that give you all-day energy with none of the bad coffee side effects. Unlike other substitutes, roo.bru™ actually tastes delicious and gives you the kick you need to make the most of every day.

“The Joey Pouch set me up with everything I needed to kick my bad coffee habit. I’ve been so productive and happy - it all starts in the gut!

– Lauren Oliver, Holistic Transformation Coach

“Bought the Roger pouch because I love this stuff so much. No stomach issues and helps with my GERD. Great taste and lots of energy!”

– Kaity Johnson, Registered Dietitian Nutritionist

roo.bru™ pouches contain:


ROOIBOS - A powerhouse tea from South Africa packed with beneficial antioxidants, without the unhealthy oxalic acid found in other teas.

ROOIBOS - A powerhouse tea from South Africa packed with beneficial antioxidants, without the unhealthy oxalic acid found in other teas.

MACA - The stimulator of the group. Grows wild in the Peruvian Andes. Provides energy and supports a healthy libido.

MACA - The stimulator of the group. Grows wild in the Peruvian Andes. Provides energy and supports a healthy libido.

CACAO - The jack of all trades from the Amazon basin. Supports the heart, brain, and body. One of the best tasting superfoods.

CACAO - The jack of all trades from the Amazon basin. Supports the heart, brain, and body. One of the best tasting superfoods.

REISHI - The mushroom of immortality. A century old staple for health in Asia, reishi supports immune health and overall wellness.

REISHI - The mushroom of immortality. A century old staple for health in Asia, reishi supports immune health and overall wellness.

GUARANA - Coffee’s athletic Brazilian cousin. The caffeine in Guarana is slowly released for sustained energy levels and focus.

GUARANA - Coffee’s athletic Brazilian cousin. The caffeine in Guarana is slowly released for sustained energy levels and focus.

TURMERIC - The healer. The curcumin is activated by hot water, and provides relief for any pain or inflammation in the body.

TURMERIC - The healer. The curcumin is activated by hot water, and provides relief for any pain or inflammation in the body.

ASHWAGANDHA - An ancient, Ayurvedic herb known for its calming effect on the brain. See ya never stress and anxiety.

ASHWAGANDHA - An ancient, Ayurvedic herb known for its calming effect on the brain. See ya never stress and anxiety.

CINNAMON - A delicious classic. Aside from its great flavor, cinnamon is loaded with antioxidants and other goodies.

CINNAMON - A delicious classic. Aside from its great flavor, cinnamon is loaded with antioxidants and other goodies.

Each organic ingredient has been deliberately chosen to optimize the human body. No matter your passion, roo.bru™ will give you the long lasting energy that you need to perform at your best, with only positive side effects. There are no added sugars, chemicals, or processed foods in roo.bru™ - what you see is what you get.


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